It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Theme Song



hands down my favorite tv show of all time. i always looked at iasip thinking it was just one of those shows trying to be edgy for no reason, and thats what kept away from watching it, but its also what always piqued my interest, because what if is not that? everywhere i looked (imdb, rotten tomatoes, etc) it was always with one of the best scores for tv shows ever, and thats while having 16 seasons. so, one day i found out that iasip was actually in one streaming service that i had, and thats when i decided to go for it. as you can probably tell, it was a great decision. for me, iasip mastered comedy in a way no other show ever could. yes, it had that edgy humor, but it was not like you were supposed to agree with what the main characters of the show were doing or saying, quite the opposite actually, because like the creators of the show (which are 3 of the main characters) always made it clear, its always sunny in philadelphia is a show about horrible people. when charlie, gleen and rob (the creators of the show) came up with the idea for the show, their intention was to create an "anti-friends", a show that was not going to follow that dated sitcom formula of a group of friends that love each other and youre supposed to root for, in fact, it was going to do the opposite. and for me, they nailed it perfectly. its always sunny in philadelphia brings out a comedy that can range from tackling social and political issues (without being corny like one day at a time, for example) to dumb comedy while actually being funny like its supposed to be. for me, iasip mastered comedy in a way no other show ever could. despite being 16 seasons long thous far, iasip never reached a point like many shows that go this far reach where you think "it should have ended 2 season ago, now it makes no sense" (for example: the office after steve carell left, supernatural after season 5, etc), of course, they had their "golden age" (season 2-10, in my opinion), but it never reached a point where it was bad and made do sense to continue with the show. its always sunny in philadelphia is, for me, comedy how comedy should be made.